Well there she is the Zenvo ST1 the greatest thing to come from the Dutch since that one Spyker company which only makes like one car, well variations on the one car, jk i just found and SUV concept car in there files the 2006 Spyker D12 Peking to Paris. And it turns out that they have had at least 5 different cars since 2005 and a bike, like an actual bike with no motor and two wheels the AeroBlade its called. Super Smashing name!
Just for flow here are the 5 cars that they have made since 2005 even thought they could all be mistaken for being the same car they just are that similar.
- The 2010 Laviolette
- The 2009 Aileron
- The 2007 Zagato
- The 2006 La Turble
- And the original 2005 C8
And then for the other dutch company the Zenvo people which that is just the coolest name ever i love it.
They have made so far the: um nothing really this is it so far.
All the articles talk about how amazing the lines are, and i agree the lines are amazing no sorry they call them "free flowing accelerating lines" because apparently there is a difference hmm yes i can see that.
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