So let me guess what you might be thinking, what pray tell are these beauties, well for starters we have the car that made the Ironman movie kick that much more butt then the other summer movies- may i introduce the Audi R8. Coming up next is one of my personal favorites if anyone car could have a look that could make you feel afraid and excited at the same time, well take a gander at the styling in this car- may i introduce the Maserati Grand Turismo. (For some reason you don't actually get to drive that one but they include it in the ad anyways).
I have never actually come across this car, in my extensive knowledge of the exotic car platform, but judging by the picture it's almost like a Corvette only more cute- may i introduce the Callaway C16. This other car is everyone's dream whether they know it or not, this particular car garners more attention then your garden variety Lambo- may i introduce the Ferrari 599GTB/F430 Scuderia. Less exciting then the Ferrari, but only because some how over the years, even with all the different names and models, they all tend to resemble the same basic car- may i introduce the Lamborghini Superleggera. Out of all the cars this particular company makes this is the only one i personally think look astonishingly similar to a rocket, or a mongoose; maybe its the pointy nose- may i introduce the Mercedes McLaren SLR. (also according to the guys on Top Gear this is one of their favorite cars, it drives great for such a fast car).
Well that's basically it except for the technicalities, which always seem to screw up my day, because now that I've totally psyched us all up about these cars, comes this...
"Spend the day behind the wheel of five late model exotic cars for only $1495." Not bad, yet still expensive, at least it is for me at the moment. So how does an average car luster like you and i get our feet into one of these, well log on to http://www.worldclassdriving.com/ or call 1-877-597-6403. This is not a joke i got both of these information portals out of a reputable magazine known as Road & Track. i believe that if one were to sign up that they could still get into the 2008 world class driving season.
Thanks for reading.
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